An Australian SAS trooper, possibly Sergeant Ray Swallow, expresses his relief at being uplifted safely from the jungle.
Image courtesy Brian Senn
How to cite this page: '
Soldier aboard helicopter - SAS 'hot extraction'
', URL: https://vietnamwar.govt.nz/photo/soldier-aboard-helicopter-sas-hot-extraction, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 10-Jun-2015
Hi I might be able to
I might be able to identify the SAS men in this photo. Can you put me in touch with Brian Senn. If we get the date of this Hot extraction then I can tell you who the men were. They could be Australian SAS.
Wayne Holah
NZSAS Association Historian
From Graham Brammer: "I was a
From Graham Brammer: "I was a Patrol Commander with the 2nd SAS Squadron in Vietnam 1971 and did a patrol insertion from a Fire Support Base on 15 April 1971. We tagged onto Victor company and dropped off their line of march at some point to do our task. I was looking through your photo gallery to find the name of the FSB and saw the subject photograph. I believe the "Happy Looking Chap" is Sergeant Ray Swallow and I did not find the name of the FSB."