Members of 3 Platoon, V6 Company, 4RAR/NZ (ANZAC) Battalion, April 1971.
Back row (L to R): Pte D.P Wolff, Pte A.S. Teki, Pte M.H. Morton, Pte E.E. Ronaki, Pte M.H. Strawbridge, Pte J.F. Orr, Pte A.M. Bettridge, Pte B.Te A. Jones
Third row (L to R): Pte J. Tauranga, Pte B.M. Stevenson, Pte A.M. Baxendale, Pte G.J. Murphy, Pte T. Ngakuru, Pte R.W. Wakely, Pte K.B. Rata, Pte G.G. Murphy, Pte J.N. Kopae
Second row (L to R): Pte K.L. Stokes, Pte R.C. Dow, Pte J.C. Riri, Pte R.O. Rowlatt, LCpl J.C. Pedersen, Pte W.J. Sydney, Pte G.A. Quinn, Pte R.T.P. Rewiti, Pte R.M. Goodhue
Front row (L to R): LCpl H.T. Whatu, Cpl G.J. Mills, Cpl W.B. Hutchinson, Sgt C.Te I. Panui, Lt C.B. Mullane, LCpl M.M. Douglas, LCpl L.J. Charman, LCpl T.R.P. Hereora
Image courtesy Marie Charman
Hi. The guy second row up
Hi. The guy second row up and second in from the left is Private Robin Charles Dow.
Names of the brothers in V6-2
Fourth Row - 1=D.P.(Daryl)Wolff, 2=A.S.(Sunny)Teki, 3=M.H.(Mike)Morton, 4=E.K.(Epi)Ronaki, 5=?, 6=(VV)?, 7=?, 8=B.Te.A.(Brian)Jones.
Third Row - 1=J.R.(John)Tauranga(W2,V4), 2=?, 3=?, 4=?, 5=?, 6=?, 7=K.B.(Keith)Rata, 8=?, 9=J.N.(Johny)Kopae (W1,W2,V3).
Second row - 1=K.L.(Keith)Stokes, 2=Robin Charles Dow, 3=J.C. Riri, 4=?, 5=J.C.(Shorty)Pederson, 6=W.J.(Wallace)Sydney, 7=?, 8=R.T.P.(Reuben)Rewiti, 9=?.
Front Row - Lcpl H.T.(Tai)Whatu=Abrams, Lcpl G.J.(Babe)Mills (W1,V2), Cpl W.B.(Wayne)Hutchinson, Sgt C.T.D.(Des)Panui, Lt C.B.(Chris)Mullane ONZM MBE, Lcpl M.M.(Mac)Douglas (V2), Lcpl L.J.(Len)Charman (V2), Lcpl T.R.P.(Tai)Hereora BEM.
RIP - #43126 J.R. (John) TAURANGA. 2001. Legend=x4 tours to Vietnam-!!!
RIP - M627405 L.J. (Len) CHARMAN. Feb 1979.
RIP - #341393 C.T.D. (Des) PANUI. 2014 aged 77.
RIP - #44555 K.B. (Keith) RATA. 2003 aged 52.
Fourth Row - D.P.(Daryl)Wolff
Fourth Row - D.P.(Daryl)Wolff, A.S.(Sunny)Teki, M.H.(Mike)Morton, Eppy.K.(Epi)Ronaki, M.H.(Michael)Strawbridge, J.F(John)Orr(V3), Andrew.M.(Blue)Bettridge, B.Te.A.(Brian)Jones.
Third Row - John.R.(JT)Tauranga(W2,V4), B.M.(Bradley)Stevenson, A.M.(Anthony)Baxendale, G.J.(Gerard)Murphy, T.(Toi)Ngakuru, R.W.(Raymond)Wakely, K.B.(Keith)Rata, G.G.(Graham)Murphey, J.N.(Johny)Kopae(W1,W2,V3).
Second row - K.L.(Keith)Stokes, R.C.(Robin) Dow, J.C.(Joe)Riri(V3), R.O.(Rex)Rowlatt, Jan.C.(Shorty)Pederson,(& BallBags ?), W.J.(Wallace)Sydney, G.A.(Gary)Quinn, R.T.P.(Reuben)Rewiti, R.M.(Ricard)Goodhue.
Front Row - Lcpl H.T.(Tai)Whatu=Abrams, Lcpl Garre.J.(Babe)Mills(W1,V2), Cpl Wayne.B.(Hutch)Hutchinson*, Sgt C.T.D.(Des)Panui, Lt C.B.(Chris)Mullane ONZM MBE, Lcpl M.M.(Mac)Douglas(V2), Lcpl L.J.(Len)Charman(V2), Lcpl T.R.P.(Tai)Hereora BEM.
Photo taken at Nee Soon Garrison (Singapore)
Names updated (28May19)
Fourth Row - D.P.(Daryl)Wolff, A.S.(Sunny)Teki, M.H.(Mike)Morton, Eppy.K.(Epi)Ronaki, M.H.(Michael)Strawbridge, J.F(John)Orr(V3), Andrew.M.(Blue)Bettridge, B.Te.A.(Brian)Jones.
Third Row - John.R.(JT)Tauranga(W2,V4), B.M.(Bradley)Stevenson, A.M.(Anthony)Baxendale, G.J.(Gerard)Murphy, T.(Toi)Ngakuru, R.W.(Raymond)Wakely, K.B.(Keith)Rata, G.G.(Graham)Murphey, J.N.(Johny)Kopae(W1,W2,V3).
Second row - K.L.(Keith)Stokes, R.C.(Robin) Dow, J.C.(Joe)Riri(V3), R.O.(Rex)Rowlatt, Jan.C.(Shorty)Pederson,(& BallBags ?), W.J.(Wallace)Sydney, G.A.(Gary)Quinn, R.T.P.(Reuben)Rewiti, R.M.(Ricard)Goodhue.
Front Row - Lcpl H.T.(Tai)Whatu=Abrams, Lcpl Garre.J.(Babe)Mills(W1,V2), Cpl Wayne.B.(Hutch)Hutchinson*, Sgt C.T.D.(Des)Panui, Lt C.B.(Chris)Mullane ONZM MBE, Lcpl M.M.(Mac)Douglas(V2), Lcpl L.J.(Len)Charman(V2), Lcpl T.R.P.(Tai)Hereora BEM.