Myself and Sergeant Jim Breen drinking beer sent to them by the Band of the RNZA, Christmas 1968. The band was a well known Auckland icon, which could trace its origins back over 100 years. It was led by Mayor Fred Smyth MBE for many years. Although a TF unit the odd RF soldier played in it from time to time - including Bruce Elder, Jim Breen and myself.
Image courtesy Brian Edmonds
How to cite this page: '
Brian Edmonds and Jim Breen
', URL: https://vietnamwar.govt.nz/photo/brian-edmonds-and-jim-breen, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 28-Apr-2011
Dear Brian, I was searching
Dear Brian,
I was searching the internet to show my children about Vietnam and where their Grandfather Jim served. I found your photo. Thankyou so much. Brings back memories of my father before he became ill.
Bryan Breen