New Zealand's Vietnam War Veterans

Use the Vietnam List to search for New Zealanders who served in the Republic of Vietnam 1963–1975. The Vietnam List is an updated version of New Zealand's original Vietnam nominal roll – the Flinkenberg List – compiled by Captain Con Flinkenberg in 1972.

Name, rank and unit information are from New Zealand military pay records.

Read more about the revised Vietnam List.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to suggest changes to this list.

Name First name(s) Rank Service no.
Babbington George Wanoa Stainton Pte 42924 more details
Bache James Henry LCpl 41597 more details
Back Rodney Thomas Sgt 466484 more details
Baeyertz Charles Raymond 2Lt 374582 more details
Bailey Dudley Lawrence Sgt 464751 more details
Bain Mary E. Nurse more details
Baird James Edward LCpl 348836 more details
Baird John Alan WO1 709565 more details
Baker Alex Richard Sgt 581303 more details
Baker Anthony Reginald WO2 897511 more details
Baker Donald Stewart Capt 34890 more details
Baker Edric Sargisson Dr more details
Baker Noel MEng 76037 more details
Baker Thomas George LCpl 41890 more details
Baldwin Rodney Gordon Lt 30778 more details
Baldwin Stanley Tamatea Gnr 621820 more details
Ball Eric WO2 35339 more details
Ball Graham Campbell Pte 843402 more details
Ball Malcolm Roy Pte 43108 more details
Ballance Julian 2Lt 42785 more details
Ballinger John Kerry Dvr 44574 more details
Balsom Barry James Flt Lt 81092 more details
Bamfield David Anthony Fg Off 82825 more details
Banks Henry Karoua Pte 42299 more details
Banks Leslie Keith Pte 383017 more details
Barbarich Earle Cpl 529086 more details
Barber David Alan Mr more details
Barber Edward Pte 368053 more details
Barber Graeme James LCpl 41335 more details
Barber Ian WO2 32085 more details
Barber James Edward Cpl 344972 more details
Barber Lawrence Harold Ch Cl 3 646765 more details
Barclay Frederick Donald Sgt 677105 more details
Bardrick Jonathon Bruce Pte 630720 more details
Barker David James Pte 42123 more details
Barker Michael Maurice Cpl 37654 more details
Barkle Desmond Taylor WO2 36854 more details
Barkle John Edward Cpl 41515 more details
Barley Brian Charles Lt 30759 more details
Barltrop John Clifton Pte 465666 more details