New Zealand's Vietnam War Veterans

Use the Vietnam List to search for New Zealanders who served in the Republic of Vietnam 1963–1975. The Vietnam List is an updated version of New Zealand's original Vietnam nominal roll – the Flinkenberg List – compiled by Captain Con Flinkenberg in 1972.

Name, rank and unit information are from New Zealand military pay records.

Read more about the revised Vietnam List.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to suggest changes to this list.

Name First name(s) Rank Service no.
Bell Noel Albert SSgt 688566 more details
Bell Peter Harvey Maj 30254 more details
Bell Riley Charles Flt Lt 81020 more details
Bellamy John Phillip WO1 814386 more details
Benefield Noel Lindsey Cpl 42059 more details
Benfell Gordon William Cpl 40989 more details
Benjamin Robert Berkley Pte 41938 more details
Bennett George William Arthur Capt 33715 more details
Bennett Grahame William Francis Capt 516066 more details
Bennett Ian Barnes Lt Col 205128 more details
Bennett John Thomas SSgt 36687 more details
Bennett Richard Leonard Pte 902902 more details
Bensemann Donald Imlay LCpl 41383 more details
Bent Michael Frederick John Capt 469885 more details
Bent Stephen Hansard Gnr 473121 more details
Bentley Kelvin Rex Sgt 40945 more details
Bentley William John WO1 646191 more details
Benyon James Michael Sgt 802262 more details
Bergerson Mervyn Edward Cfn 37947 more details
Berghan Richard Mac Pte 543864 more details
Bermingham Arthur Vicary Pte 43134 more details
Berridge Brian Fredrick Pte 475358 more details
Berridge William Charles Pte 42306 more details
Berry Derek Linden LCpl 927783 more details
Berry Richard John Pte 553169 more details
Bertram Richard John Pte 482541 more details
Best Jack Unknown 81522 more details
Best Peter Matthew Cpl 350282 more details
Bestic Edward Breton Capt 38270 more details
Beswick Keith Arthur Gnr 360397 more details
Bettin Dennis Joseph Sgt 645208 more details
Bettridge Andrew Martin Pte 44161 more details
Bevan David Malcolm Flt Lt 82009 more details
Bevan David Rex Gnr 44199 more details
Beverley Donald David Pte 42998 more details
Bigg-Wither Frederick Sgt 38417 more details
Bingham John WO2 34119 more details
Binning Mark Andrew Cpl 724742 more details
Birch Allan Francis Cpl 39151 more details
Birch Graham Douglas Capt 30663 more details