New Zealand's Vietnam War Veterans
Use the Vietnam List to search for New Zealanders who served in the Republic of Vietnam 1963–1975. The Vietnam List is an updated version of New Zealand's original Vietnam nominal roll – the Flinkenberg List – compiled by Captain Con Flinkenberg in 1972.
Name, rank and unit information are from New Zealand military pay records.
Read more about the revised Vietnam List.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to suggest changes to this list.
Name | First name(s) | Rank | Service no. | |
Bell | Noel Albert | SSgt | 688566 | more details |
Bell | Peter Harvey | Maj | 30254 | more details |
Bell | Riley Charles | Flt Lt | 81020 | more details |
Bellamy | John Phillip | WO1 | 814386 | more details |
Benefield | Noel Lindsey | Cpl | 42059 | more details |
Benfell | Gordon William | Cpl | 40989 | more details |
Benjamin | Robert Berkley | Pte | 41938 | more details |
Bennett | George William Arthur | Capt | 33715 | more details |
Bennett | Grahame William Francis | Capt | 516066 | more details |
Bennett | Ian Barnes | Lt Col | 205128 | more details |
Bennett | John Thomas | SSgt | 36687 | more details |
Bennett | Richard Leonard | Pte | 902902 | more details |
Bensemann | Donald Imlay | LCpl | 41383 | more details |
Bent | Michael Frederick John | Capt | 469885 | more details |
Bent | Stephen Hansard | Gnr | 473121 | more details |
Bentley | Kelvin Rex | Sgt | 40945 | more details |
Bentley | William John | WO1 | 646191 | more details |
Benyon | James Michael | Sgt | 802262 | more details |
Bergerson | Mervyn Edward | Cfn | 37947 | more details |
Berghan | Richard Mac | Pte | 543864 | more details |
Bermingham | Arthur Vicary | Pte | 43134 | more details |
Berridge | Brian Fredrick | Pte | 475358 | more details |
Berridge | William Charles | Pte | 42306 | more details |
Berry | Derek Linden | LCpl | 927783 | more details |
Berry | Richard John | Pte | 553169 | more details |
Bertram | Richard John | Pte | 482541 | more details |
Best | Jack | Unknown | 81522 | more details |
Best | Peter Matthew | Cpl | 350282 | more details |
Bestic | Edward Breton | Capt | 38270 | more details |
Beswick | Keith Arthur | Gnr | 360397 | more details |
Bettin | Dennis Joseph | Sgt | 645208 | more details |
Bettridge | Andrew Martin | Pte | 44161 | more details |
Bevan | David Malcolm | Flt Lt | 82009 | more details |
Bevan | David Rex | Gnr | 44199 | more details |
Beverley | Donald David | Pte | 42998 | more details |
Bigg-Wither | Frederick | Sgt | 38417 | more details |
Bingham | John | WO2 | 34119 | more details |
Binning | Mark Andrew | Cpl | 724742 | more details |
Birch | Allan Francis | Cpl | 39151 | more details |
Birch | Graham Douglas | Capt | 30663 | more details |