Victor 4 Company O Group meet during a patrol. Left to right: Lieutenant D.J. Barrow (101 Field Battery RAA), Major Laurence Lynch, Captain Quin Rodda, and Lieutenant Michael Farland.
The O Group was used to relay formal orders through each level of soldiers prior to an operation. It planned and implemented orders relating to the mission and its execution, administration and logistics, and command and signals. In Vietnam, a company level O Group (as in the above photograph) consisted of the company commander, his command group (2IC and CSM), the three platoon commanders, and any attached specialists such as the artillery FOO.
Image courtesy Noel Bell
How to cite this page: '
Victor 4 Company O Group during patrol
', URL: https://vietnamwar.govt.nz/photo/victor-4-company-o-group-during-patrol, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 28-Apr-2011
The Australian Gunner
The Australian Gunner Officer is Lt DJ Barrow 101 Fd Bty. Left to right, looking at the photo are Barrow, Lynch, Rodda and Farland